
The Board of Management of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and such number of Directors as determined by the existing Board from time to time, all of whom shall be elected by the members of the Association at the Annual General Meeting. All members of the Board of Management shall be Ordinary members or Life members of the Association. At the Annual General Meeting of the Association, all the members of the Board of Management for the time being shall retire from office but shall be eligible upon nomination for re-election. No more than two (2) members on the Board of Management. may be elected from the same Affiliated Club. (Excerpt from the Rules of Association)

PRESIDENT (inc Strategic Partnerships): Karin Walduck

  • Act as chairperson of all Board of Management, Council and Special General Meetings, and
  • Strive to continually improve the Association policies, activities and administration with the full co-operation of all Office Bearers, and Officials, and
  • Represent the Association to outside bodies
  • Strategic Partnerships and Plans

VICE–PRESIDENT (inc Planning, Rules & Policies): Christine Blanchard

  • Shall carry out the duties in the absence of the President and other duties as requested by the President.
  • Policies
  • Rules
  • Special Projects – BWHA Turf Project

GENERAL MANAGER: Holly Williams (inc Association Secretray) (appointed)

The General Manager’s duties shall be to oversee the administration staff and carry out all duties as required by the Association Incorporation Act.

  • The duties shall include the responsibility for all correspondence, notification to Office Bearers, Officials and the secretary of Club’s of meetings, to carry out instructions given by the Council or Board of Management meetings and be responsible for the accurate taking (except Sub-Committee meetings) and safekeeping of minutes of all meetings.
  • When urgent action is required, consult the President, Vice-President and Treasurer and with consent take the necessary action and notify the action taken to the next Board of Management or Council Meeting for confirmation.

TREASURER (inc Finance, briZHockey and Umpire & Technical): Sonya Fisher

  • The Treasurer shall receive all money’s payable to the Association, with Exception of funds empowered by the Board of Management to Committees to maintain, and issue receipts for it, and shall have the authority to pay all service accounts, as authorized by the Board of Management, when due, and also be responsible for the provisions of all rules as determined by the Association Incorporation Act.
  • A statement shall be tabled at each Board of Management or Council Meeting showing all transactions since the last meeting.
  • Financial Management, Grants, Sponsorship, Marketing
  • Manage TV Broadcasting for Hockey Brisbane
  • Apply for and administer grants and funding


  • The elected Board members shall assume the rights, duties and power of that committee.
  • Board Members shall be responsible for the duties under their elected portfolios.
  • The President shall have the power to delegate duties to Board Members from time to time as deemed necessary.

JUNIOR Committee

  • The Junior Liaison Officer shall be the communication between the Board of Management and the Junior Section.
  • The Junior Section Chairperson shall report the events and actions of the Junior Section as well as Junior Committees to enable a report submission to the Board of Management at their meetings by the Junior Liaison Officer.
  • The Junior Liaison Officer shall also forward to the Junior Section any actions needing confirmation by the Board of Management.


  • Lesley Bennett
  • Di Brodie
  • Bron Morris
  • Toni Ovenell
  • Sue Reid
  • Kellie Roberts


  • Alyson Aleksic
  • Raelene Berndt
  • Margie Brown
  • Larissa Cunliffe-Jones
  • Lisa Donaldson
  • Judy Hartnett
  • Sue Reid
  • Gail Reynolds