Coach Development

There are 4 Coaching Accreditation’s available through the National Accreditation Program, HockeyEd.

  • Foundation Support (formerly ‘Community Coach’)
  • Foundation Lead Coach (formerly ‘Level 1 Coach’)
  • Development Lead Coach (formerly ‘Level 2 Coach’)
  • Advanced Lead Coach (formerly ‘Advanced Coach’)

Foundation Support Coach Accreditation

Targeted at coaches just starting their development, the Community Coach accreditation is the first level on the HockeyEd NCAS.
Participants are required to complete an online theory component, and complete their practical assessment during a training session or fixture.

Next Assessments: organised privately between coach and BWHA Development Staff.

Foundation Lead Coach Accreditation Course

Targeted at coaches wanting to further develop their skills, the Level 1 Coach Accreditation course goes through fundamental skill acquisition, planning sessions, match preparation and people management.
The course takes one day to complete, with some accompanying post course work.

Next Courses:

Development Lead Coach Accreditation Course

Suitable for more experienced coaches, looking to go to the next level. Learn advanced skill acquisition, session planning and progression, game analysis and engage in diverse discussion.
The course takes two days to complete, with some accompanying post course work.

Next Course:

For further information on the Level 1 & 2 course, please contact